Main character:
Name: Emeka
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Nigerian
Gender stereotype of role: Emeka will take on the role of the main artist and the only character in our music video. This is because we want the audience to concentrate on him only as the song has a deep meaning behind it, we wanted to keep it quite serious and personal almost like he's telling a story about his life. This will encourage a personal relationship between the audience and him and hopefully make the music video successful.
Costume: Emeka will have several different costumes with different shots and different locations. This is to keep the audience intrigued with the artist and not get bored because he looks the same in every shot. He will wear hoodies and tracksuits, nothing too flashy. His clothes will predominantly be of dark colours to connote his back story and that dark side of his personality.
Body language and facial expression: He will have a relaxed body language throughout to show the audience that he is comfortable of his surroundings (his home). His facial expression may be relaxed at times but other times he will look more passionate to show the audience that his been through a lot.
Role within music video: He will be the main character of the music video playing the artist lip syncing to the lyrics and therefore he will play an artist who has been through a lot such as the place he has come from has played a big part of who is today. He had to do illegitimate things to get where he is now, coming from a working class background, it wasn't always easy for him.
In conclusion, we believe that its important to be aware of who our character is and what their role is in the music video to effectively allow us to identify how he will be represented through the shots we used. This is important as every shot is portrayed differently by the audience and we must make sure they all interpret our artist in the same we visualised it. Without planning our character properly, we would be unsure of the characters role and it may also confuse the audience watching it. We also have decided to use a character with an ethnic background to meet our target audiences needs and expectations of the genre.
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