Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Planning: Storyboard


In order to film our music video, we needed to do a storyboard to understand what was going to happen in every shot. It's a graphic representation of how a moving image will unfold shot by shot, made up of illustrations or images. Each shot includes what camera shot will be used, location of the shoot, props, lighting, sound, dialogue, editing and narrative description to ensure that there is no confusion when filming. In addition, this helps filming run much smoother as everyone will know what shot to take next.
Storyboarding our idea is very helpful for a number of reasons, not only is there as guidance but we're able  to look closely at the narrative taking all shots into consideration, rather than identifying a brief overview. This would have not give us any insight into the details we need to look upon when creating our music video. This makes it easier to pick upon the things that need changing if its an unrealistic goal. We storyboarded the entire music video and thought about all the details, giving us a clearer idea of how our music video will unfold.


With a story board, my partner and I are able to shoot our music video without any confusion because we know what shot we need to shoot exactly.

1 comment:

  1. Good. Please add locations and production schedule next.
